Download Singing Voice Resynthesis Using Vocal Sound Libraries
Although resynthesis may seem a simple analysis/synthesis process, it is a quite complex task, even more when it comes to recreating a singing voice. This paper presents a system whose goal is to start with an original audio stream of someone singing and recreate the same performance (melody, phonetics, dynamics) using an internal vocal sound library (choir or solo voice). By extracting dynamics and pitch information, and looking for phonetic similarities between the original audio frames and the frames of the sound library, a completely new audio stream is created. The obtained audio results, although not perfect (mainly due to the existence of audio artifacts), show that this technological approach may become an extremely powerful audio tool.
Download 3D Particle Systems for Audio Applications
Although particle systems are well know for their use in computer graphics, their application in sound is very rare or almost non-existent. This paper presents a conceptual model for the use of particle systems in audio applications, using a full rendering system with virtual microphones: several virtual particles are spread over a virtual 3D space, where each particle reproduces one of the available audio streams (or a modified version), and the overall sound is captured by virtual microphones. Such system can be used on several audio-related areas like sound design, 3D mixing, reverb/impulse response design, granular synthesis, audio up-mixing, and impulse response up-mixing.